Monday, October 21, 2013

Reading Folktales

What have we been reading in Room 6?
We have bean reading folktales from countries like Mali and other countries in Africa.

Why have we been reading these?
because we are learning about third world countries and these folktales come from third world countries. It also helps us to practise our reading and our comprehension - that means understanding a story.

What do I think about folktales?
I really like them because they are funny and because I just like stories. These folktales all have a little message or meaning.

Here is a little bit about the folktale I have been reading, called 'Why the Hare has no Tail':
Long ago all the animals had no tail or they had very little ones. One day a lion told all the animals to come to him and get tails. It was raining and cold that day so the hare asked the other animals to get him a tail from the lion. The animals asked what kind of tail he wanted. He said "any that will fit me, but not too short and not too long." In the afternoon that day, all the animals came back with their beautiful tails but none of them came to the hare and gave him his tail. They had all forgotten and that is why the hare has no tail.

I think this story is trying to tell me that I need to just do stuff myself and not rely on other people to do it.

By Abbey Markham!

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