Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cirque Du Room 6

Two weeks ago we had a circus. It was fun. There were lots of acts. There were clowns, pyramids and jokers.

Before we performed our circus on Friday we spent the week learning about the circus with Kate and Mr. Witty. With Mr. Witty we did skipping, hula hooping, and clowns. With Kate we did juggling and balancing. We watched videos and practised ourselves.

Then on Friday we had costumes and makeup and we all performed in the Room 6 Circus. Look at the photos.

By Carlee and Nia


  1. don't forget about me and tate doing the pie throwing

  2. Jay's little brother (Cooper) was lucky and his whole classroom 14 was able to come and watch your performances - he said it was awesome fun.
